Mai Shinma
Her charisma and exceptional skills captivate lash artists across Japan and Asia, keeping her at the forefront of the eyelash industry.
After the success of the "UPwardlash" technique, which involves applying eyelash extensions to curl upwards, she launched her own brand and developed a range of products.
At the same time, she has been holding various seminars, gaining a solid reputation for teaching techniques like color lash designs and layered lashes that create depth and transparency.
Moving forward, she is committed to elevating the eyelash industry and will continue to engage in various activities to achieve this mission.
新間 舞 シンマ マイ
まつ毛エクステを上向きに装着する技法" UPwardlash "のヒットをきっかけに、自身のブランドを立ち上げ商品を開発。